Fundamentals of photogrammetry  

Photogrammetry - definition. Aerial cameras. Measurement properties of aerial photos. Elements of internal camera orientation: elements of the central projection, the image coordinate system of the analogue camera, basic elements of internal camera orientation, spatial camera coordinate system, the image coordinate system of a digital camera. Radial distortion of the lens. Tangential distortion of the lens. Points and line of interest of a tilted image. Geometric properties of the aerial photo. Elements of external orientation of a photo. Systematic errors of photos. Aerial photos acquisition, quality, basic parameters of the photo block, designing the scale of photos, time of day and photographic season, photo mission management system. The quality of modern aerial photographs. Comparison of the spatial resolution of analogue and digital photos. Country coverage by aerial photographs. Stereoscopy - observations vs. measurement. Conditions for stereoscopic observations. The concept of a measurement mark. Stereoscopic observations and stereoscopic measurement. Simplified altitude compilation of the stereogram of aerial photographs. Image coordinate system of photos: definition and measurement. Automatic photo measurement (image matching). Introduction to analytical photogrammetry. Elementary analytical operations on photos: photo rotation matrix, spatial coordinate system of a photo (camera), the condition of collinearity, spatial resection (calculation of elements of external camera orientation), spatial intersection. Introduction to aerotriangulation.
Fundamentals of photogrammetry

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